One of the main benefits of mini dental implants is the amount of time that it takes to install it. In a matter of a few hours, a patient can have the procedure completed. Cosmetic dentists can assess a candidate's situation to determine if their jaw bone will allow for the installation of the implants. The mini implants come in several sizes and lengths to accommodate a patient's jaw bone structure and density. To determine the size of the implant that will be utilized, the dentist will take x-rays of the jaw during the initial visit.
The mini implants is made of titanium. It gives strength to the new artificial teeth also known as crown. The titanium is strong and has good biochemistry and fits well with the other ligaments. The jaw needs to be strong as it takes lot of pressure while chewing and taking bites. The fractures in the mini implant are possible but not common at all.
Another great thing about the mini implants is that they allow loading of the prostheses immediately after the procedure. With conventional dental implants a patient has to wait for about three months up to six months before the implant integrates and the dentist can fit their dentures. But with these mini implants, patients can have their dentures loaded right after the implant is put in place. They can also be used to replace a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth.
Mini dental implants have been a great addition to the dental world and many people all over the world are benefiting from it. If you are considering undergoing this procedure, please remember that it is still best to consult with your dentist so that he or she can help you choose the treatment methods best suited for you.
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