Why Orthodontic Care
Whenever a person faces any problem with jaw alignment, crowding or crookedness of teeth, he or she should make sure of scheduling appointment with orthodontic professional. However, eruption of permanent teeth is very much essential prior to the commencement of the treatment. Beginning of the treatment by placing ceramic brackets in orthodontics since early age helps in correction of the problem within time.
Braces Types Available
Based on broad classification, orthodontists recommend for any three types of dental braces for individuals. These include ceramic, invisalign and metal brackets in orthodontics. Ceramic brackets comprise of clear composites, which blend perfectly with the teeth. Invisalign products are available as clear trays molded perfectly to fit with the patients’ teeth. Metal braces or brackets come with suitable orthodontic arch wire, which dentists tighten it on periodic basis.
Expectations on Initial Visits

Initial Days with Dental Braces
Patients underwent with the procedure of placing metal brackets in orthodontics would obviously feel some pain or sensation during the initial few days. Sensation in this case is because of the wires and brackets, which usually string the teeth. For this reason, dentists recommend them to apply suitable dental wax across the dental braces and brackets.
Caring after the Procedure
Patients should definitely take proper caution after completion of the procedure. Here, brackets would take 1 day to become properly hard. During these days, one should make sure to consume soft foods at least during the initial 2 to 3 days. In addition, one should strictly avoid with the consumption of hard candies or sticky foods, as such items may cause damage to the wire.
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